Thursday, December 11, 2008

November Birthday's

It was a busy November as Joel, Nathan, and Mary all turned a year older. They all enjoyed their birthdays so much. They were also very thankful for all the gifts they received.

Christmas Program and Hannah's Presentation

Joel is right in the middle of the above picture.
Joel did a great job in the 2nd grade Christmas program at his elementary school. He really loved playing the bells too. We are very proud of Joel.

Hannah had a project through the enrichment program at the elementary school. She had to pick a South American country and report on it. She obviously choose Brazil. She did a great job putting things together for her poster and did a fine job presenting it. We are so proud of her.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hannah's Piano Recital

Hannah had her piano recital today. She did great! We are so proud of her.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

MAPS Air Museum

I took Hannah, Joel, and Nathan to the MAPS Air Museum. They really had a great time. The best part was sitting in the cockpit of MIG.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Soccer Ends

Joel had a great season. His team went 6-1-1. He scored 3 times in the final game. The last one was the best. He kicked it over 3 kids and into the goal. Of course, I didn't get that one on video but I did get the other two. Enjoy.

Monday, September 8, 2008

School again!

Here they are enjoying their first day of school.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Here are more pictures of Nicki with Playdoh.

Grandma & Grandpa get to babysit.

May 18, 2008

John and Cathy dropped Nicki at our house on their way to see the Reds beat the Indians 6-4.
Mary Lou introduced Nicki to Playdoh. She had a great time with her Grandma.