Sunday, September 27, 2009

Beautiful Sky

Yes, even in Northeast Ohio we do get some beautiful skies every now and then.

Nathan's new smile


Nathan is sporting a new new smile.

Nathan is sporting a new smile.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Pillow fun

One evening a few nights ago, the kids got into one of those funny modes and just had a blast with a few pillows.

Back to school 2009 edition

Here are Hannah, Joel and Nathan off to school for the first time this year the day after Labor Day. Hannah is in 5th grade, Joel in 3rd, and Nathan in 1st. Mary is still at home with Diana.

Soccer Fall 2009

Here are some recent soccer pictures of Nathan, Joel and Hannah. Joel and Hannah are on the same U10 league and are 3-0-1. Joel has scored a hat trick the last two games. Hannah scored one today but also hurt her ankle with a great stop. Nathan's team is undefeated in the U8 league. He is playing well. Today was difficult because they were not allowed to score for half the third quarter and all of the fourth quarter since their team was up by about six or seven goals.