Friday, October 19, 2012

Final Fall Sports Update

Hannah had a pretty good day last Saturday.  The volleyball team played their best game all year and won their first tournament game.  Unfortunately they did not make it past the semis.  Hannah then ran at the conference championships and finished in the top 20.  Click the link to find Hannah and her time:

Joel, Nathan and Mary finished up outdoor soccer.  Mary's team finished without a loss.  Nathan's team limped home.  Joel's team dominated once again and finished unbeaten.  Nathan will be joining Joel on the Marlington United team and play indoors in the winter.

Hannah and Mary will soon be starting up Irish dancing.  I am excited for both girls to start again and very curious how Mary will do.

Oh, and the puppy is getting bigger.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

School Pictures 2012-2013

Marlboro Elementary 2012-2013

Nathan ~ 4th grade

Mary ~ Kindergarten

Hannah's Cross Country Pics...Finally

Mushrooms in the Yard

So this post might be completely random but I thought what the heck.