Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Hannah Dresses for Varsity

Last Friday we were overjoyed when Hannah told us that the Head Coach for Hoban Volleyball wanted her to dress for varsity for a Saturday tournament.  He wanted to get her some playing time if the team was up.  She got in for the first of three games.  She had two kills and a block for points.  The best part was when the girls from the team started chanting "She's a freshman!"

She enjoyed her first experience playing for varsity and cannot wait for another opportunity.  We can't wait either.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

JV Volleyball Team Pic

Here is the page with all the names.  Scroll down for the JV team.

Here is the page with their scores.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Joel and Nathan just doing some parkour.

Playing at the park

This may have been a while back but I forgot I took these on my phone.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Volleyball and Soccer Start

The kids started their games today.  Hannah played her first JV volleyball match today and helped her team win easily in two sets.  Mary played in her first U8 team today and unfortunately they lost 3-2 but it was a really good game.  Mary almost scored but the goalie got in the way.  Nathan's team, the Wizard Hogs, played today but they lost 2-1.  Nathan played with a hurt ankle in the first half and didn't play in the second half due to the bum ankle.  We don't know what happened other than it is really hurting him.  We took him to a doctor earlier in the week but the doctor said it was tendinitis.  We are looking to get a brace to help Nathan.  Joel just had practice this morning.

The fun has begun.  We will get pictures of games this week.  It should be a fun season of sports ahead of us!

Friday, March 29, 2013

A Day in the Park

Qual Hollow Pictures on Good Friday